"Fan into flame the gracious gift of God"
2 Timothy 1:6
Through the Summer Camps and broader youth engagement,
Fanning the Flame Catholic Mission (FTFCM) wants to share the joy and truth of our faith with as many young people as possible.
To this end we have always kept costs as low as we can and, beyond that, effectively subsidise every young person who attends our events. Every member of our adult volunteer team pays the full cost of their place at Camp so that no additional financial cost is transferred to the families of attendees.
Over the years we have received donations from individuals, parishes and organisations that have made possible the provision of these subsidies, and to them we are extremely grateful.
However, running events is becoming increasingly expensive.
We are always thankful for any support we receive, and that includes financial.
Every donation goes directly towards paying for an attendee from a low-income family, or for one of our committed youth team members.

Please pray for the work of FTFCM and for the young people.

Thank you for your support.

Thank you!
Clicking on the donate button will take you to a simple paypal portal where you can donate with either a paypal account or most card types.
Some of our camp attendees go on to become youth leaders at our events. They bring energy and enthusiasm for the faith, working directly with their peers, encouraging and supporting them. With the majority of these Youth Leaders in higher education, they are already under financial strain from education fees. Yet as well as finding the money and time to attend Camp, they willingly give up additional time in its preparation, often forsaking income from summer jobs in the process.

Our Youth Leaders are an essential ingredient in the running of our Summer Camps. Without them the Camps would not be the success they are.

Currently Camp costs FTFCM £200 per 19-21 year-old.
Would you be able to provide financial support to enable a Youth Leader to attend?
Thank you.

Do you have an idea for a fundrasier?
Or perhaps know of a charitible organisation we could apprach for help?
Could you run a coffee morning or cake sale at your local parish? Or encourage the young people you know to come to camp and fundraise to do so?
If you have ideas, please do get in touch. We can then work together to make them a successful reality and secure valuable FTFCM funding.
Thank you for your support.

Could you help promote FTFCM events?
It could be as simple as taking posters and flyers to local parishes and schools, or inviting FTFCM to come and make an appeal.
A key ingredient of FTFCM is fellowship, and we've found that for a young person, no promotion is better than a personal invitation.
Even just encouraigng one young person to come to an FTFCM event is a great act and, with the working of the Holy Spirit, it may just be what is needed to fan into flame their faith.
Thank you.