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God's Love In Action!

Fanning The Flame Catholic Mission started in Southampton in 1995, and is an apostolate of Dominican Sisters of St Joseph.  Its mission to evangelise and teach young people about the Catholic faith is based on the scripture  2 Timothy 1:6-7:


‘That is why I am reminding you now to fan into flame the gift that God gave you when I laid my hands on you. God’s gift was not a spirit of timidity but the Spirit of power and love and self control’.


 FTFCM aims to enable people to encounter God in a safe and fun environment and to help them to be open to receive and use the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

All activities are organised and facilitated by the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph with a team of experienced and trained volunteers. 


Our work during the year is focused around our primary activity, Summer Camp.  This  takes place for one week every August. It is open to young people aged 10-25.  We join the Sisters in their prayer life by participating in the daily celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Morning Prayer, Compline (Night Prayer) and everyone is offered the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We have a camp chaplain onsite who administers the Sacraments and is always available for a chat. Each day the young people receive age appropriate teaching; there are times of prayer, praise and worship, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and many games and fun activities.


We aim to support the faith and friendships of our participants through the year by running reunion weekends for young people who have been to camp. These are based in the Priory – no camping! There is usually one in the autumn and one in the spring.

We also run online events, and are looking at new ways (with resources and online catch-ups) to help nurture and nourish our FTF family. 

'Let the children run with the Spirit' 

Participants of FTFCM are encouraged to become missionary disciples living joyful, faith-filled lives centred on Christ in fellowship with others.

‘Let us treasure this flame of love that burns in our hearts, by recalling our first encounter with Christ. May we be joyful disciples, who dream with God of a better world and who share the reason for our hope with all whom we meet.’ 

      Pope Francis

© 2017-2024 Dominican Sisters of St Joseph,

Charity No.1050485

The images of FTF events used on this website are to be only used with permission exclusively for the promotion of FTFCM. Please get in contact if you would like to use them to promote FTFCM events in your area.

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